So Rachel called me at work yesterday and said Preston had wrecked on his bike and had a cut. Rachel works at a clinic in Payson....but soon to be working right here in the Nephi clinic with me!! Anyway, when she called she said he was with his friend and that his friends mom thought it might need stitches. Preston was being so tough until he seen me then he just burst into tears..I think he kinda likes aunt Marianne ;) I said to him, let me see it bud, he pulled the rag off and...WOWZA! I wanted to say, HOLY MOLY Preston, but I tried to not scare him and said, "that just might need a few stitches." Oh buddy, did it ever! He was SO scared for the stitches so it probably would have been better to say the "HOLY MOLY" thing instead of the scary word, "stitches." Rachel got there and his heart broke again...the tears started even worse. Poor kid, I felt so bad for him. See Rachel you'll love working in Nephi right close to home and the boys :) Here are some before and after pictures. Now I need to warn you these are not the prettiest pictures, so if you have a weak stomache DONT LOOK!! I myself like to look at these things although it grosses me out to no end, I LOVE IT!!
Before they got it cleaned up
After the cleaning
The finished product! 9 stitches on the inside and 9 on the out!
What a tough kid and check out the swelling :( OH MAN!
1 year ago
Oh my gosh! That looks so deep! Poor kid. It's hard on the momma too. Ava's had stitches in her head twice and it is NOT fun!
Wow that looks awful. Poor kid.
Holy smokes..I got a little weak in the knees looking at these pictures!! ha ha! Looks like it HURTS!! But what a good story to tell for Preston as he gets older! Boys love their tough stories!! =)
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