Warning: this is going to be a very long post so if you just look at it and say, holy moly too much to read and just skip on to the pictures...I would probably do the same!
Where do I even start??? McKall gave us a little scare..ok a BIG scare this past week. Last Wednesday she woke up about 4:00 am screaming that her back hurt really bad. It scared the heck out of Chandler and I cause we had never seen her cry or hurt like that before. She had a fever of 102.7 and was screaming for us to take her to the doctor and make her back stop hurting. I gave her some tylenol and started getting dressed to take her to the ER. We got there and she seemed to have calmed down a little so I thought to myself, maybe I'll take her for a little ride and see how she does. Her fever broke and she fell back to sleep.
For about a year and a half now she has had these terrible leg pains that wake her from a sound sleep and she just cries. We were told they were just growing pains. So we thought maybe it was something like that and thought she was going to be fine, but that was not the case. She had another episode with her back and fever so we headed to the doctor. He ordered some fluids and blood work. After a little bit the doctor came in and told me her WBC count was way high and everything else looked good so they wanted to do a spinal tap on her to check for spinal menengitis. My dad gave her a wonderful blessing and just cried through the whole thing...he's one amazing man! The test came back negative...a big relief.
She was in the hospital for 2 nights getting fluids and antibiotics. We had no idea what was going on with her. All we knew was her WBC count had come down a little but was still scary high and her fever would not go away. My cousin Casey was the only person I could think about. The poor kid went to the ER for what he thought was gallbladder issues and was diagnosed with Leukemia...so so sad. His WBC count was very high and thats how they found out.
We talked with our Doctor and decided that Primay Children's was the best place for her at this point. We thought there was a chance our sweet girl could have Leukemia. We went home to get a few things ready to head up there. I went into the bathroom and got on my knees. I dont think I have ever prayed to my Father in Heaven so hard in my life. All of our family and friends were praying for her and all I can say, without a doubt in my mind, prayers are answered. We got to Primary's and they ran tests on her and told us it was not Leukemia...FEWWWW. It felt like a HUGE weight was lifted off our shoulders and we could breath again. She was only there over night and they diagnosed her with Enterovirus, which is in the family with Menengitis. There is no way of treating Enterovirus so it just had to run it's course. While they were checking her over one of the doctors found a heart murmur, something that is very common in children so we are not too worried about that but the doctor suggested we get it checked out to be on the safe side.
Just across the hall of our hospital room was a young boy who had to have a nurse sitting outside his door 24/7. I dont know what was wrong with the poor little guy but just thinking of it now brings tears to my eyes. There are so many sweet young children up there that are very sick or have medical illnesses. It broke my heart to see them like that but at the same time made me so greatful that we were only there because of something McKall was going to heal from lots faster then most of them.
We got home and the next day she started throwing up and couldn't keep anything down...back to the doctor we went. They did more blood work and her WBC count came down. She was just very dehydrated and needed fluids. Her fever comes and goes and she gets these migraine type headaches but she is on the mend. She looks so much better today then she did a week ago. In the end, we will be headed back to Primary's to see a Rheumatologist for her legs and a Cardiologist for the murmur. They are seriously amazing there! The doctors work in teams, which I think is so cool! Funny thing was, a guy I went to school with, Adam Ware aka Doctor Ware, was one of her doctors. When he walked in the room I was speechless! A great big thank you to him for being so stinkin smart and just plain wonderful! Also a big thanks to Dr. Rosenbeck, her Dr. here in Nephi. He asks me all the time how she's doing and was so concerned about her. His cute little kids even made a fun Halloween sack for her!
I cant say THANK YOU enough to our amazing family and friends, who we could not have done any of this without. We love you all so very much and like I said, cant thank you enough for all you have done for us! McKall got lots of flowers, balloons and goodies that she loved so very much! A little boy named Braxton, who is in McKall's preschool class, sent her some beautiful flowers! She was telling everyone they were from her boyfriend!! His mom, Kelsey, who I grew up with, said he did it all on his own...so dang cute!! Wow what a crazy/scary week we had. We love our children so much and to see them sick like that is painful. We hope like heck that kind of sickness will never enter our home again.
1 year ago
oh Marianne this made me so sad! Im so sorry your family had to go through this! Im glad that McKall is feeling better!! I am thinking of you guys!!
I'm SO glad that she is doing so much better! She is such a cute little girl and I am so happy she is home and healing! Love you guys!
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