Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summer Summer Summer

Summertime is always my favorite! The kids love to be outside, and are always wanting to get into the water. They figured out how to turn it on so we have to watch them close cause one or the other always ends up drentched and crying and fighting cause, "he/she got me wet!" They are doing great though, the only bad thing is that they are growing up way too fast!

Runnin through the sprinkler

Call and Daddy

Me and my little man

and again

That might be a little easier if you would put your sippie down dude!

There ya go!
Making pizza's
Cheese!!! and lots of it!

Check out all that CHEESE! They LOVE it!

They were quite yummy!

They decided they wanted to wash their bikes

Team work

They were doing a pretty good job

WOW! Those bikes are sparkling!
They love to JUMP.....jump jump jump!!

Wyatt looks like he's break-dancing!!

And this is what happens when it's time to come in the house. Wyatt sits by the backdoor and throws a huge fit. Little stink!



*CoUrTnEy* said...

Isn't it great how its all the simple things that make them so happy?! Like a hose and sprinkler, and eating outside, kids couldn't be happier!! =) I think Addyson would live outside if we would let her! ha ha! Hope you guys are having a fun 4th of July weekend!!

Jan said...

What a fun mom and dad..... looks like they had a ball!!!