Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We are being held hostage...

So we have this birds nest in our backyard right by McKall's bedroom window that has baby birds in it. It's been there for a while and the kids have loved to look at it and watch the mama bird bring the babies food! Well one of the birds fell out of the nest so Chandler tries to catch it to put it back. McKall, Wyatt and I are standing there amazed and so excited he's going to "rescue the bird!" All of a sudden the mama bird comes flying at us out of nowhere and is chirping and squealing like no other. It was so funny, ok so not at the time but it is now! We all screamed and ducked our heads (I bet if you would have seen us you would have laughed hard:) Wyatt started going nuts, it seriously scared the crap out of him! Now there are like 4 birds out there making all kinds of racket. It's really kind of scary! Wyatt will not even go outside, he keeps saying, "no go outside mom, dat bird get me!" Poor kid is going to have nightmares! McKall was just so sad that we were not able to catch the baby bird and put it back in the nest due to it's physco mom and all her buddies! ha ha I would probably do the same thing though if peoples were trying to catch my babies!
Here's the mama, if you look close you can tell she wants to eat us!

The cute little baby robin
"The nest"

Wyatt, just a little nervous!

What an ADVENTUROUS night!


Worwood Family said...

HAHAHA!!! This has happened to me before! Not going to terrifed me! To funny :)

*CoUrTnEy* said...

Oh poor Wyatt!! :( That is definitely scary!