Wednesday, March 16, 2011

7 years!

Chandler and I celebrated our Anniversary on March 12th!!! WOW. 7 years I've been married to the love of my life! It seriously does not feel like 7 years at all though...the time has flown by. We know our marriage is not perfect (and probably, so do you;) but we're doing our best. We have had some great times together and gone through some bad times but in the end we are eternal companions. I am so greatful for him, he does so much and works so hard to provide for our family. There is no one else that I would rather go though life with than MY MAIN MAN CHAN!!! HA HA (cheesy I know) Anyway, to celebrate our special day we went on a little date. We ate at Sizzler and went to the mall and did a little shopping and to a movie. We wanted to go somewhere and stay over night but it didn't work out that way. Our little date, being alone together, was just perfect! Your my best friend Chandler and your stuck with me!! I LOVE YOU! 7 years down and LOTS and LOTS to go!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Just for because...

I love them so much and they are crazy CUTE!!!

McKall is so funny! She was trying and trying the other day to blow a bubble. She was getting so frustrated but kept on tryin. She finally got it and was one happy camper! She is officially one AWESOME bubble blower!

These pictures are courtesy of Mr. Wyatt/Kimo himself! Everytime I get the camera out he HAS to take some pictures of his own! I have to admit, he's pretty good!

Handsome dude!

I told Wyatt to get his jammies on and this is what he came up with! He dug to the very bottom of his pj drawer and pulled out "air planes!" They are WAY too small but he instisted on wearing them. When he came running in with them on I about died laughing at his belly sticking out...whatever makes him happy!

I thought this picture was funny cause if you look close at Mr. "Pouty boy's" undaroos you can see woody's eyes and it looks so funny! He was mad cause it was McKall's turn to take a picture and not his. :(

The 3 Ninja's! Wyatt says, it's Wraph (Raphael), Mikey (Michael Angelo), and Weo (Leonardo) He loves Ninja Turtles!

McKall in her cute glasses she made at school!

I am one lucky gal and have been blessed with such an amazing family! We definitely have our ups and downs but the ups totally out weigh the downs! I love them to pieces!