Thursday, December 23, 2010

Gingerbread House!

Last week we let the kids make a gingerbread house. It was hilarious cause all Wyatt wanted to do was eat it!! Everytime I turned around he was sneaking some and we would laugh and laugh. McKall didn't think it was too funny though, she kept saying, stop eating everything Wyatt or I cant make it look cute!
I told Chandler to put it together and we would just let them have at it and decorate it! They did a pretty good job for doing it by themselfs. There would probably be a lot more decor on it if Wyatt hadn't eatin most of it! LOL! They had a lot of fun building it and I think we'll make this a new tradition at the Mitchell house!

1 comment:

*~MJB~* said...

Haha! So cute! Wyatt looks like he's going to town on those goodies! It does look like a pretty scrumptious Gingerbread house though so I don't blame him! Fun fun!