Thursday, July 8, 2010

The dreaded dentist...

So about a month ago I took the kids to their routine dentist appointments. I told myself it was going to be a good visit cause the kids are so good about letting me brush and floss morning and night. McKall has always had a big fear of them taking pictures/x-rays of her teeth, but she finally let them and they found out that she has infections/cavities on all 4 sides of her back teeth. Her baby teeth are just far enough apart to where food gets stuck inbetween them and causes infection. This is a good and a bad thing, good for her permanant teeth but bad for her baby teeth. Then the Dr. told me she was going to need them all capped. :( I was so upset and felt like the worst mom in the world. The Dr. made me feel a little better though when he told me his daughter had the very same thing and it happens quite a bit. So yesterday she had two caps put on one side of her teeth. Chandler and I were dreading it and thought she was going to kick and scream, but she was AwEsOmE!! She didn't move a muscle the entire time. The Dr. told her she was an angel and she just laughed. Pretty sure the gas made her a little loopy! We took her to Walmart and she picked out a prize for being so good! Here are a few pictures I got of her...

Just a little numb but still trying to smile :)

She was so tired and couldn't keep her eyes open

and she's gone!

Good job McKall! You were such a big girl! Only 3 more visits to go!


Anonymous said...

HEY.. SUPER CUTE BLOG.. You have some fun pics of those DARLING KIDDOS.. Love the ones of McKall in the GLASSES and Pink SHIRT.. CLASSIC, they made me laugh.. OH and the "McKalls" Words off to the side.. HOLLY CRAP that girl is SILLY.. I was literally LOL.. Your kids are darling.. I'm going to add you to my list if you don't mind that I check in on yu..
ONE LAST THING.. GET TO ZUMBA.. HE HE HE.. I missed Monday too.. So I was glad to hear you didn't make it either..

casey-trisha smith family said...

Ok how in the world did you get a child to cooperate at the dentist??? It is a complete nightmare to take Cael, i've even tried buying him doesn't work he still throws a fit!

*CoUrTnEy* said...

Ugghhh!! I HATE the dentist!! Glad that McKall did so well though! Hopefully the next visits go just as smooth!! =)

Lyns said...

Poor girl! Your kids are so darling!! I'm glad you posted on my blog so now I can keep up with you guys!

Jan said...

Aww how sweet is that!!!