Monday, July 26, 2010

The dreaded pile....GONE!!

So when we gave our backyard a makeover we took out a HUGE stump...and I'm talkin HUGE! We took out a bunch of dirt and grass and had new brought in. So there sat this big pile of dirt on the side of our garage and we had no idea how we were going to get rid of it. Just the other day our very kind neighbor (whom I'm sure got sick of seeing this weed/dirt pile everytime he drove by) came over with his tractor and dump truck and got rid of it for us! What a nice man, a great big THANKS to Dave Worwood. It's on my to do list to make him some of my yummy banana bread! It's so nice to not have to look at that ugly pile anymore!

Wyatt thought this big twacto was the coolest thing ever! He was in aww the whole time!

Uncle Mike helping Wyatt on the little tractor

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