Thursday, June 3, 2010

A few random ones...

Here are just some cute random pictures. These two silly kids bring so much joy to my life. They make me laugh everyday and say the funniest things. Words can not express how much they mean to me.

Being crazy kids in the jeep

My sweet girl

My sweet little man!

He was having so much fun in the jeep and thought it was hilarious!


McKall got a hold of the camera so we said "cheese."

I had to throw these ones in. So we found these old glasses in our garage that had my uncle Curtis name on the side. They lived here a long time ago. Everyone had to try them on and we laughed hard cause they are so old looking.

Grandma Janice looks cute with them on

She was looking at herself in a little mirror, of course!

Soooo funny!

Check out dad he looks like Mr. Fredrickson from the movie "Up!" Ha Ha!! He even hunched over like him!

1 comment:

*CoUrTnEy* said...

I cant believe how grown up Wyatt looks!! Fun pictures!! =)